My Story
Hello, I'm Alex Harper, an astrologer and occultist with a diverse background that includes fifteen years of exploring various occult subjects and seven years as a criminal defense attorney. Since my first initiation in 2009, my journey into the mystical began, leading me to start studying astrology in 2015. By 2018, I was preparing to become a practicing astrologer, and since 2022, I have been providing professional consultations, having read hundreds of charts for individuals from all walks of life.
Astrological consultations involve more than just reading charts; they include counseling and advice tailored to each individual’s circumstances. With extensive experience handling serious matters and intense life experiences, I offer a unique, empowering perspective on your natal chart, helping you navigate its energies effectively. I employ a blend of astrological techniques from various traditions including: modern astrology, Hellenistic, medieval Islamicate, Vedic, and experimental neo-modern methods, such as asteroids. This comprehensive approach ensures resonant insights where these systems converge.
In addition to astrology, I practice astral and ceremonial magic and create astrological talismans, available in limited quantities in the Apothecary. For more specialized magical needs, please visit that page to submit a "Magic Request" form.